203: SR 10 (US 90) Improvements Monticello

Team 203 L to R: Stephen Wright, Joseph Legacy, Beau Alday

The City of Monticello has seen recent improvements to its downtown area, resulting in an increase in pedestrian and vehicle presence. The current infrastructure cannot service this increase in volume. We designed an improved infrastructure that will provide service to all roadway users and pedestrians. 

Our design improvements include roadway, drainage, and signing and pavement marking. Our roadway design includes milling, resurfacing and widening. We redesigned existing features for the widening and lane reconfiguration. Our design also includes bulbouts as an improvement to pedestrian facilities. These bulbouts serve as added safety measure to protect pedestrians while crossing intersections. With the improvements to the infrastructure, the City of Monticello will be able to safely handle the increase in vehicle and pedestrian presence. 

Stephen Wright, Joseph Legacy, Beau Alday

Sean Martin, Ph.D., P.E., FRSE

WGI, Jarret Hansen, P.E., Travis Richards
