Undergrad in the Lab: “Superconducting Technologies for Electric Aircraft” with Dr. Sastry Pamidi

Undergrad in the Lab: “Superconducting Technologies for Electric Aircraft” with Dr. Sastry Pamidi

Undergrad in the Lab: “Superconducting Technologies for Electric Aircraft” with Dr. Sastry Pamidi

Tuesday, July 07, 2020 @ 04:00 PM
Tuesday, July 07, 2020 @ 05:30 PM
Event Location
Zoom Meeting

Undergrad in the Lab: “Superconducting Technologies for Electric Aircraft” with Dr. Sastry Pamidi

Interested in engineering research but think there are no opportunities for undergrads to get involved? Think again!

In this live Zoom with Dr. Sastry Pamidi on Tues, July 7 at 4:00 pm, you can get an inside look at the superconductivity research his team does for the U.S. military and other applications at the Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) just steps from the engineering campus. Dr. Pamidi is the chair of our Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and will give a brief (30 min) talk about his research and how undergrads can get involved. There’s even time for a live Q&A.

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