Unsteady State Heat Transfer Experiment


          The following links contain an overview of the unsteady state heat transfer experiment performed in the laboratory.  The objectives of this experiment were to determine the thermal conductivity and local heat transfer coefficients of an aluminum rod.

          The apparatus consisted of a steam jacket and an aluminum rod.  As steam passed through the jacket, thermal energy heated the rod and created a temperature gradient. 

The rod was insulated and changes in its temperature were measured were taken over time. The data collected was used to calculate the thermal conductivity of the rod.

          Heat transfer behavior was studied during natural and forced convection in order to determine the local heat transfer coefficients for the rod.  A correlation between the Nusselt number and the location of each thermocouple was created for both natural and forced convection.  The data collected was used to calculate the local heat transfer coefficients.  The experimental values were compared to literature values and discrepancies between the two sets of values were analyzed.

Theoretical overview

Forced Convection and Natural Convection Experiment


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