Compiled by
W. Pennington Vann, Ph.D., P.E.
Murdough Center For Engineering Professionalism
College of Engineering - Texas Tech University

Books and Monographs
Alderman, F.E. and Schulz, R.A., Ethical Problems in Consulting Engineering, Report available from Alderman, 721 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena, CA 91030, 1980.

Alger, et al, Ethical Problems in Engineering, Wiley, New York, 1965.

Anderson, R.M., Perucci, R., Schendel, D.E., and Trachtman, L.E., Divided Loyalties - Whistleblowing at BART, Purdue Research Foundation, 1980.

Baron, Marcia, The Moral Status of Loyalty, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Kendall/ Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IO, 1`984, 36 pp.

Baum, R.J., Ethics and Engineering Curricula, The Teaching of Ethics VII, The Hastings Center, Hastings on Hudson, N.Y., 1980, 79 pp.

Baum, R.J. and Flores, A., eds, Ethical Problems in Engineering, Center for the Study of the Human Dimensions of Science and Technology, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 1978, 335 pp.

Baum, R.J., ed, Ethical Problems in Engineering, Second Edition, Volume Two: Cases, Center for the Study of the Human Dimensions of Science and Technology, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 1980, 259 pp.

Beabout, G.R., Wennemann, D.J., Applied Professional Ethics: A Developmental Approach for Use with Case Studies, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, 1994, 175 pp.

Beauchamp, T.L., Case Studies in Businesss, Society, and Ethics, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1989, 275 pp.

Bennett, F. L., The Management of Engineering: Human, Quailty, Organizational, Legall, and Ethical Aspects of Professional Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996, 478 pp.

Blinn, K.W., Legal and Ethical Concepts in Engineering, Prentice-hall, 1989, 334 pp. (see pp. 11-18)

Board of Ethical Review, NSPE, Opinions of the Board of Ethical Review, Vols. I - VII, NSPE Publications, National Society of Professional Engineers, Alexandria, VA.

Bok, Sissela, Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life, Vintage Books, 1979.

Buchanan, R.A., The Engineers: A History of the Engineering Profession in Britain, 1750-1914, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, 1989, 230 pp.

Burgunder, L.B., Legal Aspects of Managing Technology, South-Western Publishing, Cincinnati, OH, 1995, 482 pp.

Callahan, D. and Bok, S., Ethics Teaching in Higher Education, Plenum Press, New York, 1980, 315 pp.

Callahan, J.C., ed, Ethical Issues in Professional Life, Oxford University Press, New York, 1988, 470 pp.

Cameron R. and Millard, A.J., Technology Assessment: A Historial Approach, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IO 1985, 37 pp.

Center for the Study of Ethical Development, DIT Manual, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1986.

Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Moral Issues in Engineering: Selected Readings, V. Weil, Editor, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1988, 300 pp.

Chalk, R., Franke, M. and Chafer, S.B., AAAS Professional Ethics Project: Professional Ethics Activities of the Scientific and Engineering Societies, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., December, 1980, 224 pp.

Chevron Corporation, Our Business Conduct: Principles and Practices, 1986, 31 pp.

Cohen, R.M. and Witcover, J., A Heartbeat Away: The Investigation and Resignation of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, Viking Press, New York, 1974.

Curd, M and May, L., Professional Responsibility for Harmful Actions, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IO, 1984, 30 pp.

Dalcourt, G.J., The Methods of Ethics, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, 1983, 237 pp.

Dunham & Young, Contracts, Specifications, and Law for Engineers, 4th Ed, J. Bockrath, Editor, 1986.

Eddy, P., Potter, E., and Page, B., Destination Disaster: From the Tri-Motor to the DC-10, Quadrangle Press, New York, 1976.

Elbaz, S.W., Professional Ethics and Engineering: A Resource Guide, National Institute for Engineering Ethics, Arlington, VA, 1990, 50 pp.

Ethics Resource Center and Behavior Research Center, Ethics Policies and Programs in American Business, The Ethics Resource Center, Washington, D.C., 1990, 44 pp.

Firmage, D.A., Modern Engineering Practice: Ethical, Professional, and Legal Aspects, Garland STPM, New York, 1980.

Fishkin, J.S., The Limits of Obligation, Yale University Press, 1982, 184 pp.

Flores, A., ed, Ethical Problems in Engineering, Second Edition, Volume One: Readings, Center for the Study of the Human Dimensions of Science and Technology, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 1980.

Flores, A., Ethics and Risk Management in Engineering, Westview Press, Boulder, CO 1988.

Florman, S.C., The Existential Pleasures of Engineering, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1976, 160 pp.

Florman, S.C., Blaming Technology: The Irrational Search for Scapegoats, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1981, 207 pp.

Florman, S.C., The Civilized Engineer, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1987, 258 pp.9 [ch.1-9].

Ford, D.F., Three Mile Island: Thirty Minutes to Meltdown, Viking, New York, 1982.

Frankel, Mark, ed., Science, Engineering and Ethics: State of the Art and Future Directions, Report of a AAAS Workshop and Symposium, Feb., 1988, AAAS, 104 pp.

Fredrich, A.J., Sons of Martha: Civil Engineering Readings in Modern Literature, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1989, 596 pp.

Garrett, T.M., et al, Cases in Business Ethics, Appleton Century Crofts, New York, 1968.

General Dynamics Corporation, The General Dynamics Ethics Program Update, St. Louis, MO, 1988, 32 pp.

Godson, J., The Rise and Fall of the DC-10, David McKay, New York, 1975.

Goldman, A.H., The Moral Foundations of Professional Ethics, Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, NJ, 1979.

Gorlin, R.A., ed., Codes of Professional Responsibility, 2nd Ed., The Bureau of national Affairs, Washington, DC, 1990, 555 pp.

Gray, M. and Rosen, I., The Warning: Accident at Three Mile Island, W. W. Norton, New York, 1982.

Gunn, A.S., and Vesilind, P.A., Environmental Ethics for Engineers, Lewis Publishers, 1986, 153 pp.

Harris, C.E., Applying Moral Theories, Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, CA 1986, 191 pp.

Harris, C.E., Pritchard, M.S., Rabins, M.J., Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases, Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, CA 1995, 411 pp.

Hoffman, W.M., Lange, A.E., Fedo, D.A., Ethcis and The Multinational Enterprise: Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Business Ethics, Unviersity Press of America, Lanham, MD, 1986, 530 pp.

Jackall, R., Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers, Oxford University Press, New York, 1988, 249 pp.

Jaksa, J.A. and Pritchard, M.S., Communication Ethics: Methods of Analysis, Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, CA 1988, 172 pp.

Johnson, D.G., Ethical Issues in Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1991, 392 pp.

Johnson, D.G. and Snapper, J.W., eds, Ethical Issues in the Use of Computers, Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, CA, 1985, 363 pp.

Josephson Institute of Ethics, The Ethics of American Youth: A Warning and a Call to Action, October, 1990.

Kallman, E.A. and Grillo, J.P., Ethical Decision Making and Information Technology, An Introduction to Cases, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996, 138 pp.

Kamm, L.J., Successful Engineering: A Guide to Achieving Your Goals, 1989.

Kant, I., Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis, IN, 1981 Ed. translated by J. W. Ellington, 72 pp.

Kemper, J.D., Engineers and Their Profession, 3rd Ed., Hlt, Reinhart & Winston, New York, 1982.

Ladenson, R.F., et al, A Selected Annotated Bibliography of Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1980.

Layton, E.T., Jr., The Revolt of the Engineers: Social Responsibility and the American Engineering Profession, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1971, 1986, 286 pp.

LeMaire, H.P., Personal Decisions, University Press of America, Inc., Lanham, MD, 1982, 200 pp.

Leopold, A., A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There, Oxford University Press, New York, 1949, 226 pp.

MacIntyre, A., A Short History of Ethics, Macmillan, New York, 1966, 280 pp.

Mantell, M.I., Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1964, 260 pp.

Martin, M., Everyday Morals, Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, CA, 1989.

Martin, M. W. and Schinzinger, R., Ethics in Engineering, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996, 439 pp.

Mill, J.S., Utilitarianism, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis, IN, 1979 Ed. edited by G. Sher, 63 pp.

Morton, R.J., Engineering Law, Design Liaibity, and Professional Ethics, 1983.

Mount, E., Professional Ethics in Context: Institutions, Images and Empathy, Westminster/John Knox Press, Louisville, KY, 1990, 176 pp.

Murdough Center for Engineering Professionalism, Independent Study and Research Program in Engineering Ethics and Professionalism, College of Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, October, 1990, 86 pp.

Nader, R., Petkas, P., and Blackwell, K., Whistleblowing, Grossman, New York, 1972.

National Academy of Science, Committee on the Conduct of Science, On Being a Scientist, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1989, 22 pp.

National Research Council, Committee on the Education and the Utilization of the Engineer, Engineering Employment Characteristics, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1985, 94 pp.

Peterson, J.C. and Farrell, D., Whistleblowing: Ethical and Legal Issues in Expressing Dissent, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Kendall/ Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IO, 1986, 31 pp.

Petroski, H., Beyond Engineering: Essays and other Attempts to Figure without Equations, St. Martins Press, New York, 1985, 221 pp.

Petroski, H., To Engineer is Human: the Role of Failure in Successful Design, St. Martins Press, New York, 1982, 256 pp.

Pletta, D.H., The Engineering Profession: Its Heritage and Its Emerging Public Purpose, University Press, Washington, D.C., 1984.

Porreco, R., Ed., The Georgetown Symposium on Ethics: Essays in Honor of Henry Babcock Veach, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, 1984, 293 pp.

Rachels, J., The Elements of Moral Philosophy, Random House, New York, 1986, 168 pp.

Schaub, J.H. and Pavlovic, K., Engineering Professionalism and Ethics, Wiley, 1983, 559 pp.

Schoumacher, B., Engineers and the Law, 1986.]

Singer, M.G., ed., Morals and Values, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977.

Solomon, R.C. and Hanson, K.R., Above the Bottom Line: An Introduction to Business Ethics, Harcourt Brace Jonanovich, Inc., New York, 1983, 434 pp.

Streeter, H., Professional Liability of Architects and Engineers, 1988.

Strobel, L.P., Reckless Homicide? Ford's Pinto Trial, and Books, South Bend, IN, 1980.

Taylor, P.W., Principles of Ethics, An Introduction, Dickenson, Encino, CA, 1975.

Thomas, J. M., Ethics and Technoculture, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, 1987, 264 pp.

Unger, S.H., Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible Engineer, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1982, 192 pp.

Vaughn, R.C., Legal Aspects of Engineering, Kendall/Hunt Publishers, 1977.

Vogel, D.A., "A Survey of Engineering Ethics and Legal Issues in Engineering Curricula in the United States," Stanford Law School, Winter, 1991, 71 pp.

Weil, V., Report of the Workshops on Ethical Issues in Engineering, July 16-27, 1979, CSEP, IIT, 1980, 65 pp.

Weil, V., ed., Beyond Whistleblowing: Defining Engineers' Responsibilities, Proc. of the 2nd National Conf. on Ethics in Engineering, March, 1982, 334 pp.

Wells, P., Jones, H., and Davis, M., Conflicts of Interest in Engineering, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IO, 1986, 68 pp.

Westin, A.F., Individual Rights in the Corporation: A Reader on Employee Rights, Random House, New York, 1980.

Westin, A.F., Whistle Blowing: Loyalty and Dissent in the Corporation, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.

Wester, J.J., An Engineer Looks at the Law, 1975.

Westphal, D., Westphal, F., Planet in Peril: Essays in Environmental Ethics, Harcourt Bracer College Publishers, Orlando, FL 32887, 1994, 265 pp.

Williams, O.F., Houck, J.W., Ed., A Virtuous Life in Business, Rowman & Littlefield Pubishers, Inc., Lanham, MD, 1992, 185 pp.


ABC Video, "Inside the Third Reich," (from the autobigraphy of Albert Speer, 'Hitler's number one man'), American Broadcasting Companies, Inc, 1982, Color, 240 min. drama, 1982 (Embassy Home Entertainment, 1986)

American Society of Civil Engineers, "Ethics on Trial: The Case of Marvin L. Camper," ASCE, 1977 (60 min.)

Boisjoly, R., Presentation on the Challenger Accident at Duke University, Department of Civil Engineering, date? (90 minutes including Q&A) [Note: a 2-hour video of Mr. Boisjoly's presentation at MIT is also available, entitled, "Company Loyalty and Whistle Blowing: Ethical Decisions and the Space Shuttle Disaster"]

Center for Applied Ethics, Duke University, "Academic Integrity: The Bridge to Professional Ethics" (1995), (5 vignettes of approximately 5 minutes duration each regarding student and faculty ethics, includes dialogue booklet)

Ethics Resource Center, "A Matter of Judgment," An Ethics at Work Program, Ethics Resource Center, Washington, D.C., 1986 (5 vignettes of 5 or 6 min. duration, some with engineering topics; no commentary)

Fanlight Productions, "The Truesteel Affair," 47 Halifax St. Boston, MA 02130. 1983 (24 min.)

Haggerty, T., "Engineering Ethics Dramatizations," (my title), University of Louisville Civil Engineering and Philosophy Departments, 1988 (about 90 minutes including two cases and discussion).

National Institute for Engineering Ethics, National Society of Professional Engineers, "Gilbane Gold: A Case Study in Engineering Ethics," 1989 (23 min.)

Petroski, H., "To Engineer is Human," BBC Discovery Series, 1986 (60 min.)

W. Pennington Vann, Ph.D., P.E.
Murdough Center For Engineering Professionalism
College of Engineering - Texas Tech University
Box 41023, Lubbock, Texas 79409-1023
(806) 742-3525


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