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else Statement

The else statement never appears in a program with out an if statement. The else statement provides an alternative for false condition. This section introduces the else statement by showing you the if-else combination, its format can be

if(condition) statement;\ else statement;\end{emph}

or when you have blocks as:

if(condition)\ \{\ sequence of statements \  
\}\ else\ \{\  one or sequence of statement(s)\  \}\  \end{emph}


/* In this example you will see a demo of using the if-else combined statements and a new header file. The header file used in this example is stdlib.h which stands for standered library. A predefined function that is capable of generating a random integer number the function used for this purpose is rand() */

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

main ( )
int hope; // number generated by computer randomly
int guess;// number guessed by user
hope=rand(); // assign a random number to hope
cout << "Guess an integer number";
cin >> guess;
cout << "Congratulation you are a winner $\backslash$n";
cout << "You have guessed correctly $\backslash$n";
cout << "Sorry, your guess is wrong";
cout << "Correct guess was $\backslash$t" << hope << endl;
return 0;

Yousef Haik