----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: A Microsoft Word Document was found. 1) As most good scientists, I use LaTeX and not MS Word since LaTeX is vastly superior (http://www.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/wp.html). 2) I find it unethical for me as a government employee to associate with a company such as Microsoft convicted for illegally creating and abusing a monopoly that hurts the American people. 3) Microsoft documents waste enormous amounts of bandwidth and disk space. 4) Old MS Word documents are likely to become lost due to obsolescence. SOLUTION 1: Convert your document to LaTeX and send me that. SOLUTION 2: In Word, do "Edit / Select all" followed by "Edit / Copy" to copy the text of your message to the clip board. Then in your e-mail program, use "Edit / Paste" to paste the text directly into your e-mail. Make sure you send the e-mail as "Plain text" or "Plain ASCII". SOLUTION 3: Save your document under a different name using "File / Save" as "Text only with line breaks" and then send me that file. Make sure you do not send the file as "quoted-printable" SOLUTION 4: Place the document in your public_html directory, then e-mail me the link (eg, http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~yourusername/your_doc_name.doc). SOLUTION 5: Contact me for a special procedure that allows you to bypass my MS_Word filter. Note however that I have no easy way to read or use MS-Word documents that are send to me by e-mail, so it better be worth my time. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------