4 Con­clud­ing Re­marks

The claim that white Mi­atas are no­tice­ably faster than other ones, and in par­tic­u­lar red ones, is com­monly con­sid­ered with con­sid­er­able skep­ti­cism. It is of­ten ar­gued that this ex­per­i­men­tal ob­ser­va­tion is due to ob­ser­va­tional bias of some Mi­ata own­ers and is not sup­ported by in­de­pen­dent ver­i­fi­ca­tion. The analy­sis in this pa­per, how­ever, clearly shows that such skep­ti­cism is un­jus­ti­fied. For solid the­o­ret­i­cal rea­sons, white Mi­atas can­not be any­thing else than faster than other col­ors.