From: (Chris Gual) Newsgroups: wpi.test Subject: Re: Why CS's don't cook wrote: Marsh: Duane D Morin wrote: Duane: Makes perfect sense to me that I should be able to reverse engineer that. Namely, that a recipe can be thought of like a computer program. Marsh: Certainly, sounds logical to me Duane: So I've got some rice that I want to cook. And, I've got the recipe thingie on the back of the container. Let's see....1.5 cups rice, 1 cup water. Ok, I can do that. Bring to a boil. BOIL?! What's this "boil"? Does this mean when I first see bubbles? Or when it's bubbling over? I need to know these things. Marsh: gas boil(liquid water) // boils the specified liquid { gas steam_bubble; if (water < *some_small_volume_of_liquid*) return steam_bubble; else return boil (water/2) + boil (water/2); } There. Clearer now? marsh, you're returning an uninitialized variable. bad bad bad. you could also add some debugging asserts. i'll file a bug report, but i want it fixed up in the next build, ok?