#: 133331 S2/Star Trek 04-Jul-87 12:24:10 Sb: #133311-#Sentient Beings Fm: David Gerrold 70307,544 To: Michael Norlan 72017,235 (X) Ahem. Michael, despite all of her humble claims to the contrary, Rita retired undefeated. I suggest you drop a groaner or two into this sig and you'll find out for yourself whether Rita can still thwack it or not. It is only the fact that Rita is still around that keeps me from telling the story about the man who was dying of thirst and stumbled into a small Australian town called Mercy where they didn't serve anything but -- No, I'd better stop. dg #: 133415 S2/Star Trek 04-Jul-87 20:19:54 Sb: #133368-#Sentient Beings Fm: David Gerrold 70307,544 To: Ilene Schneider 72467,3255 Well, you see in this particular town, Mercy be its name, they're all members of a very strict religious sect. They don't drink carbonated beverages. They don't drink alcohol. They don't drink brewed beverages like coffee or cocoa. What they do drink is a very special kind of herb tea, which has to be steeped for a week in the pouch of a Koala bear .... No, I better stop here. dg #: 133490 S7/The Con Suite 05-Jul-87 02:50:05 Sb: #133415-#More Whacking Fm: David Gerrold 70307,544 To: David Gerrold 70307,544 (X) So the guy, who hasn't had a drink of water or anything else in six weeks comes crawling into town on his hands and knees and just manages to make it to the local "tavern" where he crawls up to the inn-keeper and begs for a glass of water. But the tavern-keeper explains to him that the water in the Australian outback is so bad that it's undrinkable. It's full of alkalai. So the guy croaks out, "Okay, give me an ice-cold Coca-Cola (classic)." And the bartender informs him that this is the town of Mercy and, "the people of Mercy don't drink carbonated beverages." So the guy asks for a beer and the tavern keeper explains that the people of Mercy don't believe in alcoholic beverages either. The guy manages to gasp out a request for coffee, but neither are there any brewed beverages served in Mercy. The guy is exhaling dust now .... No, I'd better stop. This one could have fatal consequences. dg #: 133535 S7/The Con Suite 05-Jul-87 13:24:09 Sb: #133518-#More Whacking Fm: David Gerrold 70307,544 To: Blade Runner 70116,1416 Well, so finally the guy says, "What do you drink here in Mercy?" And the tavern-keeper explains that they brew a special herb tea steeped in the pouch of a Koala bear for three weeks. This neutralizes the alkalai in the water and is said to be most refreshing and invigorating. Well, the guy is gasping and he says, "Okay, okay -- give me some of your herb tea!" So the tavern keeper pours him a big mug of it and the man quaffs it eagerly. Suddenly, he starts spitting it out in horrible distaste because -- Nope. Nope. Rita will get me for this. I can't go on. dg #: 133567 S7/The Con Suite 05-Jul-87 18:15:25 Sb: #133545-More Whacking Fm: David Gerrold 70307,544 To: Joe Sewell 74136,360 (X) (Gasp) (Hack) (Cough) So, the guy spits out a big disgusting mouthful of this terrible herb tea, steeped in the pouch of the Koala bear, because the water in the town of Mercy is just too alkalai to drink and there's just a big gob of hair in it, and the guy says, "Yak! What is this?" And the tavern-keeper says calmly, "It's Koala-hair, sir." And the guy says, "What the hay? Don't you even strain it out?!!" At which point the tavern-keeper replies ... Nope, I can't do it. I just can't do it. dg #: 133568 S7/The Con Suite 05-Jul-87 18:15:32 Sb: #133545-#More Whacking Fm: David Gerrold 70307,544 To: Joe Sewell 74136,360 (X) (Yes I can) "Sir! The Koala-Tea of Mercy is Not Strained!" dg