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EML 5060 - Analysis In Mechanical Engineering - Fall 1998
Van Dommelen

This course will familiarize students with methods of analysis in mechanical engineering. Surveys applications of integration and series, ordinary and partial differential equations, and linear algebra.

Graduate/Senior standing in Mechanical Engineering. (Assumes undergraduate exposure to calculus, and ordinary differential equations, and to some Fourier series, Laplace transforms, linear algebra, and separation of variables for partial differential equations.)

The following textbooks will be used:
Ayres, Frank Jr & Mendelson, Elliott, Calculus Schaum's Outline Series (McGraw-Hill) 3th edition 1990. ISBN 0-07-002662-9
Lipschutz, Seymour, Linear Algebra Schaum's Outline Series (McGraw-Hill) 2nd edition 1991. ISBN 0-07-038007-4
Bronson, Richard, Differential Equations Schaum's Outline Series (McGraw-Hill) 2nd edition 1994. ISBN 0-07-008019-4
DuChateau, Paul & Zachmann, David W, Partial Differential Equations Schaum's Outline Series (McGraw-Hill) 1986. ISBN 0-07-017897-6

Dr. Leon Van Dommelen$\sim$dommelen. Contact me.
Office: 2:45-3:45 pm T, 5:15-6:00 pm W, 2:00-3:00 pm F in 242 CEB
Phone: (850) 487-6324/6331. I tend to forget to check my voice mail.

Brent Greska. office MWF 3:30-4:30, location TBA.

Class: MWF 10:45-11:35 (not 11:30)
08/28/98 Test 1 due
09/02/98 HW Calc I due
09/09/98 HW Calc II due
09/21/98 HW Lin I due
09/28/98 HW Lin II due
10/05/98 HW Lin III due
10/09/98 HW Lin IV due
10/21/98 HW ODE I due
10/26/98 HW ODE II due
11/06/98 HW PDE I due
11/16/98 HW PDE II due
11/23/98 HW PDE III due
12/02/98 HW PDE IV due
12/04/98 HW PDE V due
12/11/98 Final 10:00-12:00 noon Friday (Note: FSU schedule applies.)

Provide experience in applying methods of mathematical analysis to engineering problems. Emphasizes independent analysis using reference works. Expands insight into engineering analysis.

The course will cover:

Lectures, problem solving sessions, examinations.

The course grade will be computed as: Grading is at the discretion of the instructor. He prefers Ds above Cs.

Immediately check the dates listed above for any conflicts.
Homework must be handed in at the start of the lecture at which it is due. It may not be handed in at the departmental office or at the end of class. Homework that is not received at the start of class on the due date listed above cannot be made up unless permission to hand in late has been given before the homework is due, or it was not humanly possible to ask for such permission before the class. If there is a chance you may be late in class, hand the homework in to the instructor the day before it is due. (Shove it under his door if necessary.)
Unless the instructor states otherwise, all remaining questions of the homework set are due.
Homework should be neat.
Students are bound by the rules and regulations in their University bulletin, as well as by those specified in this syllabus, and by the usual standards applied by the College of Engineering. Read your academic bulletin. Violations of the rules and regulations in your bulletin may result in reduced grades and/or other actions.
Students are bound by the honor code of their university. It requires you to uphold academic integrity and combat academic dishonesty. Please see your student handbook. Violations of your honor code may result in reduced grades and/or other actions.
Copying of homework, assignments, or tests is never allowed and will result in a failing or zero grade for the copied work. It will also result in a failing or zero grade of the person whose work is being copied if that person could reasonably have prevented the copying. However, working together is typically allowed and encouraged for most homeworks, (and sometimes for other take-home assignments,) as long as you present the final results in your own words and using your own line of reasoning. Since close similarities between solutions will reduce credit, it is better not to formally put down anything until you have figured out the problem, and then let each person write their own solution. If it is unclear whether working together is allowed on any assignment, check with the instructor beforehand.
Attendance is required. Exams missed, even when rescheduled from the original date and surprise tests, or homework not handed in on time due to unexcused absence or lateness will result in a zero grade for that exam and/or homework. Failure to properly complete homework, tests, assignments, etcetera due to changes in date, assignment, etcetera, that you did not know about due to unexcused absence, lateness, or inattentiveness will not be excused and cannot be made up.
In undergraduate classes, the total grade is further reduced due to unexcused absences or lateness. See the instructor for details. Even a few absences will make it impossible to pass the class. Typically, four unexcused absences result in an F grade regardless of numerical performance. Conscientious attendance is required for a confident determination of your mastery of the subject matter to be made. In other words, this class cannot be taken like a DIS unless a faculty member will allow you to do so under formal DIS rules with appropriately modified grading and testing standards.
The College of Engineering has a restrictive interpretation of what is considered a valid excuse for an absence. If an absence is to be excused, make sure you at least get official confirmation by phone that it will be granted beforehand.
The instructor will make sure that make-up tests are no simpler than the original, but he will try to make them similarly difficult. However, he cannot make allowances for increased difficulty due to the small sample size.
The College of Engineering has a more restrictive drop-add period than you might think based on your bulletin. Check both your bulletin and the Dean's office to determine whether drop-add will be allowed.
Some of these rules may not apply if you fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act. FAMU students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should contact Student Health Services for confirmation of permanent physical disability, FSU students should register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center. Next bring a letter to the instructor from the Services or Center indicating you need academic accommodations. This should be done during the first week of classes.
The instructor might wave some regulation on a case-by-case basis depending on his subjective determination of fairness and appropriateness. This will occur only under exceptional circumstances and should not be assumed. Especially, never assume that a seemingly minor regulation will be waved because the instructor has waved it in the past. A second appeal to wave a minor regulation will probably indicate to the instructor that the regulation is not being taken seriously and most likely refused. Any appeal to the instructor will further be refused apriori unless it is done at the earliest possible moment by phone and/or by E-mail. Do not wait until you are back in town, say.

Students must have an E-mail address and regularly check their E-mail. Students must be able to use a Web browser such as Netscape. The class web page can be accessed at

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'Author: Leon van Dommelen'