Sea Memories Collection~ Developers


Sea Memories Collection Webpage was developed under the supervision and guidance of

 Tarek Abichou, Lei Yuan, and Dwayne Wilson.

The webpage is a culmination of inspiring works that drove our Team to become a part of a Mohsen's Global Environmental approach.

About Tarek Abichou

Currently, I am an Assistant Professor at the FAMU – FSU College of Engineering.  I have been teaching Soil Mechanics, a course I developed entitled Environmental Geotechnics dealing with the geotechnical aspects of waste management.  I also developed an advanced Soil Mechanics course for graduate level students that focuses on the physiochemical properties of soil and how they govern its behavior which I am currently teaching.  I am also interested in introducing courses in the field of remediation geotechnics and unsaturated soil mechanics.  At the same time, I am involved in several research projects.  One of the projects investigates the feasibility of using alternative covers to close Florida landfills.  A future interest in this subject is to design landfill covers that can also reduce green house gas emissions. 

About Lei Yuan

Currently, I am a Master Student pursuing my PH.D. at the FAMU – FSU College of Engineering.  I am currently doing my research on Bio-reactive landfill cover design and at the same time I am working on an Assessment of Alternative Earthen Final Covers for Florida Landfills.  


About Dwayne Wilson

Currently, I am a Undergraduate student at the FAMU – FSU College of Engineering.  I am a graduating senior for the class of December 2004.  I have been working on a Assessment of Alternative Earthen Final Covers for Florida Landfills and at the same time I am also a teachers assistant for Soils Geotechnics course.  A future interest will be to pursue my professional engineering license and as Mr. Mohsen, become a positive environmental ecologist.