Team 504 Object Tracking and Locating
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Team 504

Meet our team


Ammar Mahmoob

Electical Engineer

Ammar Mahboob is an electrical engineering student at Florida State University, set to graduate in Spring 2023. From an early age Ammar had an inclination towards physics and maths that helped him decide that he would like to take up electrical engineering. Ammar is set to pursue a Process Control engineering role at Georgia-Pacific post graduation.


Arda Koymen

Design/Web Engineer

Arda is a mechanical engineering student at Florida State University and expected to graduate at the end of spring 2023. After graduation he wants to work as an engineer for various engineering companies and eventually become a professional engineer. His interests are autoCAD and dynamics.


Jonathan Boylan

Software/Design Engineer

Jonathan Boylan is a senior mechanical engineering student at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering who is passionate about controls engineering. He gained valuable experience developing algorithms for path planning and obstacle avoidance through a computer vision and path planning project on a quadrupedal robot. He looks forward to continuing his pursuit of controls engineering in graduate school while working on various robotics projects.


Jonathan Niblack

Design Engineer

Jonathan E. Niblack is a graduating mechanical engineering student attending Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. He is involved in multiple campus organizations from Collegiate 100, the Atlanta Club, and the Beta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. He has a strong interest in the automotive field and hopes to pursue this hobby in the future. Post-graduation, Mr. Niblack plans to enter the workforce and make a difference in the world.


Martin Jilek

Software/Computer Engineer

Martin Jilek is a computer engineering student at Florida State University, set to graduate in 2023. With a goal of becoming a patent lawyer, Martin has already taken the LSAT and is known for his attention to detail, and strong work ethic. He is committed to making a positive impact in his community through volunteering and outdoor activities. Martin's technical expertise, combined with his dedication to service, make him well-positioned to make a meaningful contribution in the field of patent law.


Ryan Garnier

Design Engineer

Ryan is mechanical engineer with an expected graduation in summer 2023.He has been part of several extracurricular activities in the past such as the fsu rugby club. In addition he is working a part time job while in school. After graduation, he is interested in pursueing a career in the construction industry.



Shayne McConomy

Senior Design Coordinator


Camilo Ordoñez

Academic Advisor


Christian Hubicki

Academic Advisor

Thanks to our stakeholders!


This project aims to design and implement a self-driving system for a small electric car. The system uses computer vision practices, such as a depth camera and road mapping software, to navigate the car around obstacles and plan an appropriate path for the vehicle. The primary goal of the car is to be able to deliver packages between two buildings on a university campus using the roads. The car is equipped with a radio communication system that allows the car to be remotely controlled and monitored.


The Deliverables Our Team Worked On Throughout The Past Year

Future Work

1. Integration With Team 503/April 1st

2. Testing /April 4th

3. Poster and Presentation/April 6th

4. Validation /April 18th

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